Blog January
The Metabolism is called the totality of chemical processes in living things. The organism converts chemical substances into intermediates (metabolites) and end products.
A metabolic disorder occurs when the utilization of individual nutrients does not work properly and the substance does not arrive where it is needed. When the metabolism is disturbed, various diseases can arise. The diabetes mellitus is, for example, a disease of carbohydrate metabolism. Also fat, protein and mineral metabolism can be disturbed. To lose weight stimulate the metabolism? We humans use different amounts of energy to maintain our bodily functions. That’s probably genetic. There are people who consume more energy in peace, so have a higher basal metabolic rate than others. The basal metabolic rate varies greatly from person to person. In more than 1000 measurements, experts have determined a fluctuation range between 800 and 4,700 kilocalories per day. This energy consumption in peace can not get you going, increase or boost. By moving the energy consumption – and thus the energy metabolism – but of course be increased. Metabolism and weight: Our metabolism has a significant influence on our body weight. People with a sluggish metabolism are more likely to gain weight and have difficulty losing weight. However, if the metabolism is extremely active, those affected are often very thin and difficult to gain. Behind a slow metabolism can be different causes. For example, age plays an important role. Younger people usually have a faster metabolism than older people. Gender also has an effect: since men generally have more muscle mass than women, they burn more energy. In addition to age, various other factors can have a negative impact on the metabolism. These include an unhealthy diet with too much sugar, diets & fasting and too little exercise. Likewise, certain diseases such as hypothyroidism can lead to a slower metabolism. Boost metabolism Luckily, there are some tips and tricks to help you stimulate your metabolism. Above all, it is important that you get the fat burning going – this works best through sport. But also a healthy diet and the choice of the right foods are important.